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Showing posts from September, 2017

#8 Marathon Du Treadmill

It's good to be back! Survived marathon #8 at garage treadmill. While the year started off really well on running front (I maintained running everyday ritual, a minimum 3 mile, from Dec 20th till Feb 28th before life took over), things have been a bit slow since June 4th marathon (Vibha dream mile). I had made plans to create a local marathon and run but something or the other kept coming in the way.   With practically zero running during the week (except from coaching tracks on Tuesdays), inertia was building until this past Saturday, I took the plunge. Wore my shoes, and headed to garage. Its interesting, how when you have made a commitment to self, what was hard/can't-do-it thing-of-past, becomes easier. Doing 26.2 miles on a treadmill can be excruciating, many a times I had to push myself to continue putting another step in front of previous one.  Am glad its finally done. Few things that helped were 1/ Movies - watched 2 movies on ipad :-) 2/ having kitch...