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Showing posts from August, 2018

San Francisco Marathon 2018

Last Sunday of July belongs to San Francisco Streets! Found Santiago! Never gets old, vibrant every year! Its been like this since 2002.  Every year I think I am getting too old for these hills and every year I find myself at the clock tower in the wee hours of morning at San Francisco marathon.  Every year. Team Asha group that I coach Start line.  National Anthem! There is a tremendous gratitude to nature, for letting me be part of this and for letting me continue to handle these hills.    2018! Two things make SF marathon great -- the views and people.  The crown jewel of experience being the run on golden gate.  It never disappoints! Leaving you with some pictures from the morning 4am journey to city to from home and pictures on the course, till finish medal.  Enjoy. Here's the run as I lived it