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Showing posts from 2017

#11 California International Marathon Dec 3rd, 2017

#11 California International Marathon, 2017.  Sacramento CA. And just like that number 11 knocked on the door.   CIM was supposed to be the last race (happens to be the first race in 12in12 endeavor as well) but thanks to DNF at Ohlone 50k, this remains number 11. Sacramento has a special place in my heart.  Spent first 1.5 years of my USA life in this town, went to school here, did my first "job" at state buildings in downtown.  Looking back, the calm lifestyle, serene settings, the easy-does-it-attitude in the air was extremely inviting to just continue my stay there except there weren't many good companies to apply the newly learnt computer science skills and so the move to bay area. Fall in Sacramento is a beauty.  Big yellow trees stand tall next to roads and a simple walk sounds like a guard of honor amongst these yellow beauties.  Around the town, you get to experience shades of red, purple, yellow on tree leaves.  Cobbled stone stre...

#10 Fresno 2 cities Marathon

Marathon number 10 was special.  This race marks end of season 2017 for team asha that I coach so I got the privilege of accompanying runners for their first ever marathon. There is a certain charm in seeing someone train half the year, missing friday parties, showing up for saturday morning runs, for tuesday tracks week after week and all of that culminates with the marathon week. All the runners had butterflies in their stomach, and phantom pains from all over were popping up and so were the million of questions about pacing, course, what to do with this and what to do with that -- all fun stuff! The course has two half marathons, one through beautiful trails of clovis and the other half within Fresno.   City shows up to cheer runners and race was overall well managed.   It's their 10th anniversary and I expect them to increase runners as they go along (especially with Clovis 1/2 marathon which is very scenic and lets runners go through some tunnels i...
Lotus Petal Race 12in12, Race #9. Continuing the tradition of self-made-runs , I happened to pick Yosemite National Park for Lotus Petal race #9 - The High Sierra Camp Loop - a 51 miles through land of mystic wonders and majestic mountains and green lush valleys. Friday lunch at Lake Tenya! Hello Toulumne Meadows! Yosemite and Eastern sierras are close to me. The entire sierra region from Sonora pass to Whitney feels like second home.  Spent many a nights in those neck of the woods and every trip back there feels like home. HSC loop (High Sierra camps) is God's country.  A total of 6 camps make the loop, 5 of which are only accessible via horseback or hike-in. Tenaya Lake Base of HSC #1 Vogelsang This trip was in making for a while but kept getting postponed for one reason or another and finally both me and Vishal's (my running partner for this trip) aligned on Sep 30th.   We were a week late as beginning of fall (Sep 24) made all the nearby cam...

#8 Marathon Du Treadmill

It's good to be back! Survived marathon #8 at garage treadmill. While the year started off really well on running front (I maintained running everyday ritual, a minimum 3 mile, from Dec 20th till Feb 28th before life took over), things have been a bit slow since June 4th marathon (Vibha dream mile). I had made plans to create a local marathon and run but something or the other kept coming in the way.   With practically zero running during the week (except from coaching tracks on Tuesdays), inertia was building until this past Saturday, I took the plunge. Wore my shoes, and headed to garage. Its interesting, how when you have made a commitment to self, what was hard/can't-do-it thing-of-past, becomes easier. Doing 26.2 miles on a treadmill can be excruciating, many a times I had to push myself to continue putting another step in front of previous one.  Am glad its finally done. Few things that helped were 1/ Movies - watched 2 movies on ipad :-) 2/ having kitch...

#7 San Francisco Marathon

San Francisco is a constant in life. At least for past 15 years (or is it 16, don't remember). Wish is to continue as much as I can. The event is magical.   Over the years lots has changed (except spectators, still not in numbers a city like San Francisco deserves but we will get there someday) -- Golden gate leg got added (2004 I think), the same year runner's world sponsored it, which bumped its participation from low thousands to 10,000+. As of 2017, I believe there are 30-40k odd runners at start line. Regardless, if you want a tour of the city, this event does it for you.  Starts right by the clock tower on embarcadaro, with early miles along the peers, Ghirardelli, North beach, Presidio, Marina, Crissy fields before it goes up the bridge.   If you lucky (most of the years you were), you have a clear sky and see golden gate in its full splendor and beauty.  Other years, like this year, you are on it but you can't see it (thanks Mr. Fog).  St...

Run around Lake Tahoe Jun 10th, 2017

Every 2nd Saturday of June, 7 runners arrive in Lake Tahoe.   Well, they arrive Friday, and decide, over beer and pizza, who will run what of the 7 legs, that comprise A tradition that started in 2002, has continued to this day. And what a blessing it is to see the next generation join us on this. Beautiful!