#11 California International Marathon, 2017. Sacramento CA.
And just like that number 11 knocked on the door. CIM was supposed to be the last race (happens to be the first race in 12in12 endeavor as well) but thanks to DNF at Ohlone 50k, this remains number 11.
Sacramento has a special place in my heart. Spent first 1.5 years of my USA life in this town, went to school here, did my first "job" at state buildings in downtown. Looking back, the calm lifestyle, serene settings, the easy-does-it-attitude in the air was extremely inviting to just continue my stay there except there weren't many good companies to apply the newly learnt computer science skills and so the move to bay area.
Fall in Sacramento is a beauty. Big yellow trees stand tall next to roads and a simple walk sounds like a guard of honor amongst these yellow beauties. Around the town, you get to experience shades of red, purple, yellow on tree leaves. Cobbled stone streets in downtown are reminiscent of old west where folks used to spend all day sifting gold nuggets off of sacramento river. I can go on and on...
Back to marathon. The course is an overall downhill but thats deceptive. In reality its rolling hills for first 16 odd miles and that it sort of flattens out till you reach university by mile 20th and then the 6 mile straight to capitol building in downtown where the race ends. Its a fast course if you are trained well.
I surprised myself with a 4:16 finish. My training this year has mostly been showing up at marathon races so would take that. The cold weather and a good song playlist (rafi saab's haqeeqat song "ab tumahare hawale watan sathiyo, that just gets me goose bumps, and miles go by like anything if the song is on repeat). Perhaps listened to that song on a loop from 20 to 26 (some 25 odd times, takes a special talent to do that :)
One more to go. Was planning on wrapping up with a bang but the year has worn me out a bit. Had planned for a 24 hour run, that changed to 12 hour and now I am just making it to be a regular 26.2 mile run.
See you guys at Pleasanton Bernal park 8am. Will be running the 1 mile loop 26 times to wrap up the last run.
This year and your support has been a blessing.
To donate, please visit tinyurl.com/donate2lp....still short by 8.5k to 50k target but with your support anything is possible.
Leaving you with pictures as usual...

Sacramento has a special place in my heart. Spent first 1.5 years of my USA life in this town, went to school here, did my first "job" at state buildings in downtown. Looking back, the calm lifestyle, serene settings, the easy-does-it-attitude in the air was extremely inviting to just continue my stay there except there weren't many good companies to apply the newly learnt computer science skills and so the move to bay area.
Fall in Sacramento is a beauty. Big yellow trees stand tall next to roads and a simple walk sounds like a guard of honor amongst these yellow beauties. Around the town, you get to experience shades of red, purple, yellow on tree leaves. Cobbled stone streets in downtown are reminiscent of old west where folks used to spend all day sifting gold nuggets off of sacramento river. I can go on and on...

This year and your support has been a blessing.
To donate, please visit tinyurl.com/donate2lp....still short by 8.5k to 50k target but with your support anything is possible.
Leaving you with pictures as usual...

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